Yacht Arrival & Clearance


Raffles Marina is a gazetted CIQP Marina, authorised to handle the clearing in / out of visiting foreign yachts and cruising resident yachts, in Singapore.

The information provided below is related to the operating hours of CIQP, CIQP Charges, location of CIQP facility and procedures to be followed, for CIQP clearance.

1. Operating Hours
CIQP will operate every Monday to Sunday (including Public Holiday) from 0900 hours to 1700 hours only.

2. CIQP Charges
The fees for custom clearance at Raffles Marina are as set out below:

Public Rate

Vessel ≤ 80 feet: $300
Vessel ≥ 81 feet: $450

Member's Rate

Vessel ≤ 80 feet: $100
Vessel ≥ 81 feet: $300

The above rates are based on per boat per one-way clearance and are subject to the prevailing GST. Rates are exclusive of agent’s fees.

3. Location of CIQP Facility

Location of CIQP Facility

Zone A
For yacht below 80 feet

Zone B
For yacht above 80 feet

4. Procedures on CIQP Clearance at Raffles Marina from 0900-1700 hours (daily)

SG Arrival Card (SGAC) and electronic Health Declaration Card (eHDC) for all disembarking crew and passengers must be submited prior to arrival to facilitate immigration upon arrival. Crew and passengers seeking disembarkation must be fully vaccinated in accordance to Ministry of Health (MOH)'s guidelines.

a. Engage a Shipping Agent

It is compulsory to engage a shipping agent to handle your paperwork for online submission to digitalPORT@sg system no earlier than 72 hours but not later than 6 hours prior to the vessel arriving or departing.

For List of Shipping Agents, please refer to Annex A.

b. Arrival

The vessel MUST contact Dockmaster’s Office at VHF 77 or +65 6861 9000, 30 minutes prior to the arrival, to request permission to enter Raffles Marina.

Arriving vessel must berth at the designated CIQP berth.

No person is allowed to embark and disembark until immigration clearance is completed.

No goods are allowed to be off-loaded and on–loaded onto the vessel until the immigration clearance is completed.

Vessels arriving after designated CIQP operation hours (after 1700hrs) will need to berth at allocated berth as advised by Raffles Marina Dockmaster's Office. Vessel Captains/Agents are to ensure that crew DOES NOT intermingle with other boaters/crew, while remaining within the lagoon at all times until immigration clearance is completed.

c. Departure

All people scheduled for departure must be on board for immigration clearance.

Departing vessel must berth at the designated CIQP berth.

No person is allowed to embark and disembark once clearance has been completed.

No goods are allowed to be off-loaded and on–loaded once the clearance has been completed.

Vessel must depart Raffles Marina immediately after immigration clearance.

d. International code flag

Vessel that requested immigration clearance must fly the international code flag as follows:
• (2 above 5) if you have NO passenger on board; and
• (3 above 4) if you have passenger/s on board.

e. Singapore Port Regulation

It is mandatory for vessels to be equipped with Automated Identification System (AIS) prior to entry into Singapore waters.

f. Pilotage for Vessels Over 300 Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT)

Vessels with GRT of over 300 are required to engage a Singapore Pilot for entry to Singapore port, as well as entry to Raffles Marina.

You may wish to make your own arrangement for the pilotage or contact your agent, for assistance on the pilotage arrangement.

Ong Shean Boon
Marina Manager